Happy Father’s Day (a week late)

Last Saturday, we (as in all 6 of us~ a minor miracle these days!) celebrated Father’s Day a day early.  Ironically, it was the first Father’s Day in 8 years that all three girls were in the state for Father’s Day, and my dad had to fly out in the morning for a business trip.  So we spent Saturday together instead.

We spent a little bit of the afternoon in the lupine fields close to our house.  They are planted, not wild, but they are absolutely gorgeous!  I’ve wanted to run through them since I first got back.

2 thoughts on “Happy Father’s Day (a week late)

  1. By the by.
    From Sunday to Wednesday we used the Kleenex to wipe our brow.— Had to replace the a/c.
    Thank God for a/c.

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