the punishment of perfectionism

As I look back, it was about 5 years ago that God finally got my attention in a big way about my obsessive desire to get it right every time in every thing.  I started asking Him to show me if it was a problem (duh!), and He was faithful to point out the areas where perfectionism was hurting me, others, and my relationship with Him.  He gave me a distaste for it (particularly in my relationship with Himself) that motivated a prayer for His change in me.  He changed a lot of my opinions on things and generally loosened me up a bit. 

I’ve heard it said often that what we like to call “issues” (an overused word that I find myself using for lack of a better one) are like onions- we deal with them to the point we can at the time by the grace of God, and then, later, deal with them again at a deeper level.  This is not to say that victory is impossible, but that with some things victory is a process of restoration more than with others.

And so it has been (and continues to be) in my life with perfectionism.  Sometimes, I am surprised when the Holy Spirit graciously shows me that my motivation or reaction to something is out of a perfectionistic and work-for-worth mentality instead of loving truth.  Sometimes, He uses people who know me and love me well to point it out and provide correction.  In either case, it is a process of being continually renewed in my mind as the attitude and perspective must be corrected before my actions can genuinely change.

The problem of perfectionism is that it is based out of fear and punishment instead of love, and that the long-term fruit of perfectionism is hurtful to everyone involved.  It obscures the security of the love of God with constant concern and worry.  Back I go, once again (and again and again!), to 1 John 4:18:

There is no fear in love, for perfect [complete, mature] love casts out [pitches out the door] fear, because fear has torment [punishment].  He that fears is not made perfect [complete, mature] in love.

So the growing and maturing process continues, and love keeps throwing out fear, punishment and perfectionism.

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