Gratitude list #44-61

ohamperstand44. ampersands

45. pony tails, pig tails, and french braids

46. the smell of rain in the summer

47. similarly, the smell of fresh-cut grass

48. the incomparable feeling of a small hand in my own

49. the realization that a new understanding was a direct answer to a specific prayer

50. the correction of a loving Father

51. comfy jeans

52. homemade raspberry marshmallows

53. friends who pray and love and ask questions and answer honestly

54. Google docs to facilitate sisterly paper-editing at all hours

55. scripture turned into song (check out Glory Revealed and Glory Revealed II)

56. Sharpie extra-fine point pens

57. a teaching partner who is willing to share her great ideas

58. the ease of writing lists

59. kids who willingly jump in and help

60. the joy of watching an natural leader realize she could make a difference

61. the nickname, “Bugaboo.”  (I don’t know where it came from,  but it’s really fun to use for a 3 yr.old!)

One thought on “Gratitude list #44-61

  1. I LOVE that picture. How cool! I also think a gratitude list is a lovely idea. I’ll have to make a few of my own.

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